Table of contents

People API

The GrayMeta platform identifies Faces in video and photos which are attached to a Person. The following API endpoints allow for performing operations on a Person within the GrayMeta platform.

Get a Single Person

GET /api/data/v3/people/{person_id}


	"person": {
		"person_id": "39d2a59c-2a79-4dec-8e01-3c862d846820",
		"name": "unknown",
		"is_known": false,
		"face_img_path": "d8402f6d8949e19010db80aebd45be2c/face/9a325483-4ae5-45c1-b2ec-bbb327a1f1fd.jpg",
		"face_img_width": 292,
		"face_img_height": 379,
		"face_img_small_path": "",
		"face_img_small_width": 0,
		"face_img_small_height": 0,
		"num_faces": 1,
		"created_at": "2018-12-19T15:22:10.788526Z",
		"updated_at": "2018-12-19T15:22:10.788526Z"

NOTE: A 404 (Not Found) status will be returned if the {person_id} is not found.

List People

GET /api/data/v3/people

Query Parameters:

  • limit
    • Min: 1
    • Max: 1000
    • Default: 100
  • direction
    • Possible Values: ASC, DESC
  • sort
    • Default: count
    • Possible Values: count, date, name
  • type
    • Possible Values: known, unknown
  • itemIDs
    • Comma-separated list of Item IDs
  • trained
    • only show trained people (true or false)


	"next_page_token": "",
	"people": [
			"person_id": "39d2a59c-2a79-4dec-8e01-3c862d846820",
			"name": "unknown",
			"is_known": false,
			"face_img_path": "d8402f6d8949e19010db80aebd45be2c/face/9a325483-4ae5-45c1-b2ec-bbb327a1f1fd.jpg",
			"face_img_width": 292,
			"face_img_height": 379,
			"face_img_small_path": "",
			"face_img_small_width": 0,
			"face_img_small_height": 0,
			"num_faces": 1,
			"created_at": "2018-12-19T15:22:10.788526Z",
			"updated_at": "2018-12-19T15:22:10.788526Z"

Search for People

GET /api/data/v3/people/search?q={query}


	"query": "Cook",
	"people": [
			"person_id": "dc50e388-6e78-4ec3-a0ba-b7f5d086c423",
			"name": "Tim Cook",
			"is_known": true,
			"face_img_path": "75e7b81a98a4d5f96c71479eec5b3079/face/5ad67fc0-9d30-4e16-8802-2bef0eaec050.jpg",
			"face_img_width": 579,
			"face_img_height": 843,
			"face_img_small_path": "",
			"face_img_small_width": 0,
			"face_img_small_height": 0,
			"num_faces": 56,
			"created_at": "2018-12-19T15:24:52.572816Z",
			"updated_at": "2018-12-19T15:24:52.572816Z"

NOTE: A non-empty query is required.

Get Person Timeline within an Item

GET /api/data/v3/items/{item-id}/timeline/people/{people-id}


The response provides the highest quality identification face and its image paths alongside a histogram of all face appearances and a list of emotions that each have their own associated histograms.

For video:

    "person": {
        "face_id": "5cddf4bb91bd23615d4747d0b09bce67",
        "face_img_path": "339e5c9bd8e2703d6585c4c8a41c1138/face/5cddf4bb91bd23615d4747d0b09bce67.jpg",
        "face_img_sm_path": "339e5c9bd8e2703d6585c4c8a41c1138/face/5cddf4bb91bd23615d4747d0b09bce67_sm.jpg",
        "histogram": [
                "start": 45.5,
                "end": 49
                "start": 67.5,
                "end": 71
                "start": 79,
                "end": 86.5
                "start": 374,
                "end": 380.5
                "start": 381.5,
                "end": 385
                "start": 552,
                "end": 552.5
                "start": 649,
                "end": 650
        "emotions": [
                "emotion": "angry",
                "histogram": [
                        "start": 45.5,
                        "end": 46
                        "start": 48,
                        "end": 48.5
                        "start": 67.5,
                        "end": 68.5
                        "start": 379.5,
                        "end": 380
                        "start": 383.5,
                        "end": 384
                        "start": 384.5,
                        "end": 385
                "emotion": "fear",
                "histogram": [
                        "start": 46,
                        "end": 46.5
                "emotion": "neutral",
                "histogram": [
                        "start": 46.5,
                        "end": 48
                        "start": 48.5,
                        "end": 49
                        "start": 68.5,
                        "end": 71
                        "start": 79,
                        "end": 81
                        "start": 82,
                        "end": 86.5
                        "start": 374,
                        "end": 379
                        "start": 381.5,
                        "end": 382
                        "start": 382.5,
                        "end": 383
                        "start": 384,
                        "end": 384.5
                        "start": 649,
                        "end": 650
                "emotion": "sad",
                "histogram": [
                        "start": 81,
                        "end": 82
                        "start": 379,
                        "end": 379.5
                        "start": 380,
                        "end": 380.5
                        "start": 382,
                        "end": 382.5
                        "start": 383,
                        "end": 383.5
                        "start": 552,
                        "end": 552.5

For document:

    "person": {
        "face_id": "5cd4878d5e234f1b564d0ceb8bf1e5d2",
        "face_img_path": "07754b406b6ebf4ea9c74cd416f7f38e/face/5cd4878d5e234f1b564d0ceb8bf1e5d2.jpg",
        "face_img_sm_path": "07754b406b6ebf4ea9c74cd416f7f38e/face/5cd4878d5e234f1b564d0ceb8bf1e5d2_sm.jpg",
        "histogram": [
                "start": 2,
                "end": 2
                "start": 6,
                "end": 6
                "start": 41,
                "end": 43
        "emotions": [
                "emotion": "happy",
                "histogram": [
                        "start": 2,
                        "end": 2
                        "start": 6,
                        "end": 6
                        "start": 41,
                        "end": 43

Successful response will return a 200 (Status OK) while any unexpected error will return a 500 (Status Internal Server Error).

Get Total People and Faces Counts

GET /api/data/v3/people/stats


	"num_known": 1,
	"num_unknown": 18

Create New Person with Faces

POST /api/data/v3/people

	"name": "Tim Cook",
	"face_ids": ["080f3382-97cf-4655-a9c4-f6bf003ee903"]


  • When PersonType is Known
    "person": {
        "person_id": "84471a6f-bba5-44e0-b60e-d507d49a0d6a",
        "name": "Tim ",
        "is_known": true,
        "face_img_path": "",
        "face_img_width": 0,
        "face_img_height": 0,
        "face_img_small_path": "",
        "face_img_small_width": 0,
        "face_img_small_height": 0,
        "num_faces": 0,
        "created_at": "2019-01-07T20:43:03.881199Z",
        "updated_at": "2019-01-07T20:43:03.881199Z"
    "face_ids": [
  • When PersonType is Unknown
    "person": [
            "person_id": "84471a6f-bba5-44e0-b60e-d507d49a0d6a",
            "name": "unknown",
            "is_known": false,
            "face_img_path": "",
            "face_img_width": 0,
            "face_img_height": 0,
            "face_img_small_path": "",
            "face_img_small_width": 0,
            "face_img_small_height": 0,
            "num_faces": 0,
            "created_at": "2019-01-07T20:43:03.881199Z",
            "updated_at": "2019-01-07T20:43:03.881199Z"
            "person_id": "82461a6f-abb5-73e0-b667-d507d02a0d5b",
            "name": "unknown",
            "is_known": false,
            "face_img_path": "",
            "face_img_width": 0,
            "face_img_height": 0,
            "face_img_small_path": "",
            "face_img_small_width": 0,
            "face_img_small_height": 0,
            "num_faces": 0,
            "created_at": "2019-04-08T20:43:03.881199Z",
            "updated_at": "2019-04-08T20:43:03.881199Z"
    "face_ids": [

Rename a Person within an item

POST /api/data/v3/people

    "name": "Tim Cook",
    "prev_person_id": "84471a6f-bba5-44e0-b60e-d507d49a0d6a",
    "item_id": "92236ca71f29d3a3e90e115206450195"


    "person": {
        "person_id": "84471a6f-bba5-44e0-b60e-d507d49a0d6a",
        "name": "Tim ",
        "is_known": true,
        "face_img_path": "",
        "face_img_width": 0,
        "face_img_height": 0,
        "face_img_small_path": "",
        "face_img_small_width": 0,
        "face_img_small_height": 0,
        "num_faces": 0,
        "created_at": "2019-01-07T20:43:03.881199Z",
        "updated_at": "2019-01-07T20:43:03.881199Z"
    "face_ids": [

NOTE: - A 202 (Accepted) status will be turned upon success. - A 422 (Unprocessable Entity) status will be returned for any conflicts.

Rename a Person

PUT /api/data/v3/people/{person_id}

	"name": "Some Other User"


	"person": {
		"person_id": "95324750-2ea7-4629-9f53-a730f825ae82",
		"name": "Some Other User",
		"is_known": true,
		"face_img_path": "",
		"face_img_width": 0,
		"face_img_height": 0,
		"face_img_small_path": "",
		"face_img_small_width": 0,
		"face_img_small_height": 0,
		"num_faces": 0,
		"created_at": "2019-01-07T20:12:39.094341Z",
		"updated_at": "2019-01-07T20:18:21.345036Z"

NOTE: - A 404 (Not Found) status will be returned if the {person_id} is not found. - A 422 (Unprocessable Entity) status will be returned if a constraint is violated.

List a Person’s Items

GET /api/data/v3/people/{person_id}/items

NOTE: A 404 (Not Found) status will be returned if the {person_id} is not found.


	"person_id": "95324750-2ea7-4629-9f53-a730f825ae82",
	"item_ids": []

NOTE: A 404 (Not Found) status will be returned if the {person_id} is not found.

List a Person’s Faces

GET /api/data/v3/people/{person_id}/faces

Query Parameters:

  • limit
    • Min: 1
    • Max: 1000
    • Default: 100
  • item_id (optional) - narrow the list of faces to a particular item - if provided, the faces will be returned in the order in which they appear in the content
  • trained (optional) - only show trained faces (true/false)


	"person_id": "95324750-2ea7-4629-9f53-a730f825ae82",
	"person": {
		"person_id": "95324750-2ea7-4629-9f53-a730f825ae82",
		"name": "Some Other User",
		"is_known": true,
		"face_img_path": "",
		"face_img_width": 0,
		"face_img_height": 0,
		"face_img_small_path": "",
		"face_img_small_width": 0,
		"face_img_small_height": 0,
		"num_faces": 0,
		"created_at": "2019-01-07T20:12:39.094341Z",
		"updated_at": "2019-01-07T20:18:21.345036Z"
	"faces": [
			"face_id": "080f3382-97cf-4655-a9c4-f6bf003ee903",
			"face_img_path": "92236ca71f29d3a3e90e115206450195/face/b0007440-c6d1-4880-a397-c280baed567e.jpg",
			"face_img_width": 754,
			"face_img_height": 948,
			"face_img_small_path": "",
			"face_img_small_width": 0,
			"face_img_small_height": 0,
			"person_id": "95324750-2ea7-4629-9f53-a730f825ae82",
			"item_id": "92236ca71f29d3a3e90e115206450195",
			"segment_index": -1,
			"face_detection_source": "gm_faces",
			"face_detection_confidence": 0.9997,
			"face_detection_blurriness": 0.19,
			"face_rectangle": {
				"top": 105,
				"left": 609,
				"width": 754,
				"height": 948
			"used_for_training": false,
			"recognition_source": "gm_faces",
			"recognition_confidence": 0.61,
			"recognition_match": false,
			"source_img_path": "thumbnailer/thumb.jpg",
			"source_img_width": 1600,
			"source_img_height": 1200,
			"gender": "",
			"age": 0,
			"emotion": "neutral",
			"hat": false,
			"glasses": false,
			"facial_hair": false,
			"created_at": "2018-12-19T15:21:05.517292Z",
			"updated_at": "2018-12-19T20:03:11.478449Z",
			"deleted": false
	"next_page_token": ""

NOTE: A 404 (Not Found) status will be returned if the {person_id} is not found.

Associate Faces with a Person

A list of faces

PATCH /api/data/v3/people/{person_id}/faces

	"face_ids": ["080f3382-97cf-4655-a9c4-f6bf003ee903"]


    "ok": true

NOTE: A 404 (Not Found) status will be returned if the {person_id} is not found.

All faces from a different person

PATCH /api/data/v3/people/{person_id}/faces

	"all": true,
	"previous_person_id": "dc50e388-6e78-4ec3-a0ba-b7f5d086c423"


    "ok": true

NOTE: A 404 (Not Found) status will be returned if the {person_id} is not found.

Set a List of Faces to Train a Person

POST /api/data/v3/people/{person_id}/train

	"face_ids": ["080f3382-97cf-4655-a9c4-f6bf003ee903"]


    "trained": true,
    "person_id": "dc50e388-6e78-4ec3-a0ba-b7f5d086c423",
    "name": "Tim Cook",
    "face_ids": [
    "replaced_faces": [
            "face_id": "5e2739cc5c383fed942204e6be77750a",
            "old_face_id": "5187feb5044ef4485e7bc0e2e72f79d1",
            "old_person_model_id": "21",
            "old_person_type": "known",

NOTE: - A 202 (Accepted) status will be turned upon success. - A 404 (Not Found) status will be returned if the {person_id} is not found.

Upload Image to Train a Person (AI Studio)

POST /api/data/train/people/{person_id}

content-type: multipart/form-data



    "face_id": "40d8a1e0-5425-4c85-9676-33ad9826fe0f",
    "face_img_path": "21f3a8f6-f4fd-4f4c-9669-b41d425972bb/faces/d76c124d-2222-4d2b-89b3-80553b79e673.jpg",
    "face_img_width": 188,
    "face_img_height": 238,
    "face_img_small_path": "21f3a8f6-f4fd-4f4c-9669-b41d425972bb/faces/d76c124d-2222-4d2b-89b3-80553b79e673_sm.jpg",
    "face_img_small_width": 100,
    "face_img_small_height": 127,
    "person_id": "21f3a8f6-f4fd-4f4c-9669-b41d425972bb",
    "item_id": "",
    "segment_index": 0,
    "face_detection_source": "gm_faces",
    "face_detection_confidence": 0.9997,
    "face_detection_blurriness": 0.08,
    "face_rectangle": {
        "top": 110,
        "left": 199,
        "width": 188,
        "height": 238
    "used_for_training": true,
    "recognition_source": "user",
    "recognition_confidence": 100,
    "recognition_match": true,
    "source_img_path": "21f3a8f6-f4fd-4f4c-9669-b41d425972bb/face-training-uploads/d76c124d-2222-4d2b-89b3-80553b79e673.jpg",
    "source_img_width": 600,
    "source_img_height": 600,
    "gender": "",
    "age": 0,
    "emotion": "",
    "hat": false,
    "glasses": false,
    "facial_hair": false,
    "created_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
    "updated_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
    "deleted": false

Note: - A 200 (OK) status will be returned upon success. - A 400 (Bad Request) will be returned with an error message if there is a problem with the image.

Get a List of all People

This endpoint will return a list of all People

GET /api/data/v3/people
Optional Queries
  • {trained} - (boolean) Only show trained or untrained people


    "people": [
            "person_id": "9fa5065c-e766-4790-82e3-51e452d2eafe",
            "name": "New Person",
            "is_known": true,
            "used_for_training": true,
            "face_img_path": "9fa5065c-e766-4790-82e3-51e452d2eafe/faces/a1b6b09d-d5bf-4dfb-af6f-ff8b6251a388.jpg",
            "face_img_width": 136,
            "face_img_height": 178,
            "face_img_small_path": "9fa5065c-e766-4790-82e3-51e452d2eafe/faces/a1b6b09d-d5bf-4dfb-af6f-ff8b6251a388_sm.jpg",
            "face_img_small_width": 100,
            "face_img_small_height": 131,
            "num_faces": 1,
            "created_at": "2020-01-09T20:46:54.031468Z",
            "updated_at": "2020-01-09T20:46:54.031468Z"
    "next_page_token": "",

Note: - A 200 (OK) status will be returned upon success. - A 404 (Unknown) will be returned if person is not found

Get a List of Person’s Faces

This endpoint will return a list of all faces for that person.

GET /api/data/v3/people/{person_id}/faces
Optional Queries
  • {trained} - (boolean) Only show trained or untrained faces


    "person_id": "9fa5065c-e766-4790-82e3-51e452d2eafe",
    "person": {
        "person_id": "9fa5065c-e766-4790-82e3-51e452d2eafe",
        "name": "New Person",
        "is_known": true,
        "used_for_training": true,
        "face_img_path": "9fa5065c-e766-4790-82e3-51e452d2eafe/faces/a1b6b09d-d5bf-4dfb-af6f-ff8b6251a388.jpg",
        "face_img_width": 136,
        "face_img_height": 178,
        "face_img_small_path": "9fa5065c-e766-4790-82e3-51e452d2eafe/faces/a1b6b09d-d5bf-4dfb-af6f-ff8b6251a388_sm.jpg",
        "face_img_small_width": 100,
        "face_img_small_height": 131,
        "num_faces": 1,
        "created_at": "2020-01-09T20:46:54.031468Z",
        "updated_at": "2020-01-09T20:46:54.031468Z"
    "faces": [
            "face_id": "5e1799b05d741cde0ee5d54263ad1b9a",
            "face_img_path": "9fa5065c-e766-4790-82e3-51e452d2eafe/faces/a1b6b09d-d5bf-4dfb-af6f-ff8b6251a388.jpg",
            "face_img_width": 136,
            "face_img_height": 178,
            "face_img_small_path": "9fa5065c-e766-4790-82e3-51e452d2eafe/faces/a1b6b09d-d5bf-4dfb-af6f-ff8b6251a388_sm.jpg",
            "face_img_small_width": 100,
            "face_img_small_height": 131,
            "person_id": "9fa5065c-e766-4790-82e3-51e452d2eafe",
            "item_id": "",
            "segment_index": 0,
            "face_detection_source": "gm_faces",
            "face_detection_confidence": 0.9995,
            "face_detection_blurriness": 0.15,
            "face_rectangle": {
                "top": 55,
                "left": 162,
                "width": 136,
                "height": 178
            "used_for_training": true,
            "recognition_source": "user",
            "recognition_confidence": 100,
            "recognition_match": true,
            "source_img_path": "9fa5065c-e766-4790-82e3-51e452d2eafe/face-training-uploads/a1b6b09d-d5bf-4dfb-af6f-ff8b6251a388.jpg",
            "source_img_width": 480,
            "source_img_height": 480,
            "gender": "",
            "age": 0,
            "emotion": "",
            "hat": false,
            "glasses": false,
            "facial_hair": false,
            "created_at": "2020-01-09T21:22:56.289263Z",
            "updated_at": "2020-01-09T21:22:56.289263Z",
            "deleted": false
    "next_page_token": ""

Note: - A 200 (OK) status will be returned upon success. - A 404 (Unknown) will be returned if person is not found

Create Person

This endpoint will create a new Person.

POST /api/data/v3/people/create
	"name": "Person Name",
	"person_model_type": "known"
  • name - (string) New persons name
  • person_model_type - (string) Person type (known, unknown)


	"name": "Person Name",
	"person_model_id": "5e0a963cbd2c38fe4b96c36db865a890",
	"person_model_type": "known"

Note: - A 200 (OK) status will be returned upon success.

Upload Image to Train a Person

This endpoint will allow you to upload a jpg or png image and train that image as a Face to a specific person.

POST /api/data/v3/people/{person_id}/train/faces
  • file - (file) Form data for a jpg or png image


    "face_id": "5e1799b05d741cde0ee5d54263ad1b9a",
    "face_img_path": "9fa5065c-e766-4790-82e3-51e452d2eafe/faces/a1b6b09d-d5bf-4dfb-af6f-ff8b6251a388.jpg",
    "face_img_width": 136,
    "face_img_height": 178,
    "face_img_small_path": "9fa5065c-e766-4790-82e3-51e452d2eafe/faces/a1b6b09d-d5bf-4dfb-af6f-ff8b6251a388_sm.jpg",
    "face_img_small_width": 100,
    "face_img_small_height": 131,
    "person_id": "9fa5065c-e766-4790-82e3-51e452d2eafe",
    "item_id": "",
    "segment_index": 0,
    "face_detection_source": "gm_faces",
    "face_detection_confidence": 0.9995,
    "face_detection_blurriness": 0.15,
    "face_rectangle": {
        "top": 55,
        "left": 162,
        "width": 136,
        "height": 178
    "used_for_training": true,
    "recognition_source": "user",
    "recognition_confidence": 100,
    "recognition_match": true,
    "source_img_path": "9fa5065c-e766-4790-82e3-51e452d2eafe/face-training-uploads/a1b6b09d-d5bf-4dfb-af6f-ff8b6251a388.jpg",
    "source_img_width": 480,
    "source_img_height": 480,
    "gender": "",
    "age": 0,
    "emotion": "",
    "hat": false,
    "glasses": false,
    "facial_hair": false,
    "created_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
    "updated_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
    "deleted": false

Note: - A 200 (OK) status will be returned upon success. - A 404 (Unknown) will be returned if person is not found

This documentation is generated from the latest version of GrayMeta Platform. For documentation relevant to your own deployed version, please use the documentation inside the application.