Table of contents

Item Object

An Item Object contains all the metadata for an individual Item. This documentation outlines the primary fields maintained by the GrayMeta Platform, but does not include file-type specific metadata.

File information

The GrayMeta Platform extracts and maintains

  • id - (string) Unique ID for this item
  • gm_item_type - (string) the asset type that was identified by the Curio platform
  • gm_asset_title - (string) a custom user-provided title for the asset
  • name - (string) Name of the item
  • size - (int) Size of the file in bytes
  • stow_url - (URL string) A URL that uniquely identifies the item
  • mime_type - (string) The MIME type of the item (if known)
  • last_harvested - (timestamp) When the item was last harvested
  • last_modified - (timestamp) When the item was last modified
  • etag - (string) String describing the contents of the item, if it changes it indicates that the file has changed
  • thumbnail - (object) Details about the thumbnail for this item (see the Thumbnail API documentation for more information)
  • width & height - (int) Dimensions of the item (relates to images and videos)
  • geo - (object) geolocation information (if known)

Location and Container

The GrayMeta Platform keeps track of where the Item is using a range of Container and Location specific fields:

  • location_id - (string) ID of the Location of this Item
  • location_kind - (string) The kind of Location (e.g. azure or s3) - see Location Kinds API
  • location_name - (string) Human readable name of the Location
  • stow_container_id - (string) ID of the Container
  • stow_container_name - (string) Name of the Container

Content hashes

The GrayMeta Platform maintains hashes of the contents of the item:

Obtaining item data

To obtain item data you will want to visit the items api and use the relevant item ids to obtain any data you are after.

This documentation is generated from the latest version of GrayMeta Platform. For documentation relevant to your own deployed version, please use the documentation inside the application.